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Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

What is ELSA?

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) is an initiative developed and supported by educational psychologists. It recognises that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.

In ELSA sessions, we provide support for a wide range of emotional needs:

  • Recognising emotions
  • Self-esteem
  • Social skills
  • Friendship skills
  • Anger management
  • Loss and bereavement
  • Anxiety.

The majority of ELSA work is delivered on an individual basis, but sometimes small group work is more appropriate, especially in the areas of social and friendship skills. Sessions are fun and a wide range of activities are used such as: games, role-play with puppets, or arts and craft. ELSA sessions take place in the calm and safe spaces for the children to feel supported and nurtured.

Our ELSA is Ms Mandy Ghamloush.

What is Emotional Literacy?

Emotional Literacy is the term used to describe the ability to understand and express feelings. Emotional Literacy involves having self-awareness and recognition of one’s own feelings and knowing how to manage them, such as the ability to stay calm when angry.

How does ELSA work?

Children are usually referred to ELSA support by their class teacher, Senior Leaders and the SENDCo. Each half term our ELSA meets with the SENDCo to discuss the referral forms, and to identify and prioritise which children require a weekly programme over a 6-8 week period.

With the programme aims in mind the ELSA then plans support sessions to facilitate the pupil in developing new skills and coping strategies that allow them to manage social and emotional demands more effectively. An email will be sent home to parents informing them that their child has been given an ELSA referral and asking for written permission to begin these sessions. We welcome the opportunity to meet up with parents prior to commencing ELSA sessions, and at the end of the 6-8 weeks to discuss the progress their child has made.

Supporting - not fixing

It must be emphasised that the role as an ELSA is not to fix children’s problems, but we can provide emotional support.

We establish a warm, respectful relationship with a pupil and provide a reflective space where they are able to honestly share their thoughts and feelings. For children with complex or long term needs it is unrealistic to expect an ELSA intervention to resolve all their difficulties, however support will be designed to target specific aspects of a child’s need.

Parents Resources (books)

  • What to do when you worry too much, A kid’s guide to overcoming anxiety, by Dawn Huebner is an interactive self-help book designed to guide 6-12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive-behavioural techniques most often used in the treatment of generalised anxiety. Engaging, encouraging and easy to follow, this book educates, motivates and empowers children to work towards change
  • Tips and information for families about managing anger in children: Angry Octopus, by Lori Lee is a story that teaches children how to use progressive muscle relaxation and breathing techniques to calm down, lower stress, and control anger. 
  • Rory Red – for children with angry feelings, which leads the children through the different stages of anger. The language is simple and easy to understand.

"You have made a huge difference in my life. You have helped me through the toughest times and made me feel ready for high school”.

“I cannot begin to explain how much you have helped me; I am so grateful to you. Thanks to you I have grown in confidence and strength”.

“Thank you for helping me to understand my emotions better. I love having ELSA time”.