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Deer Park School

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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

We are dedicated to promoting an inclusive ethos across our school community. We believe that inclusion is directly related to diversity and equality which we promote for all children in our care, irrespective of their gender, age, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background. We are highly committed to adaptive provision and the high achievement of all groups of learners. We want:

  • Every child’s individual needs to be met and supported so that they feel happy, confident, and valued
  • Every child to be treated as an individual and encouraged to reach their maximum potential as a valued member of our community and society
  • Every child to achieve their full academic potential, access the full curriculum, and be well prepared for the next stage in their education.

We work within the London Borough of Richmond guidance on provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We also follow this SEND Policy and our Accessibility Strategy and Action Plan.

The school has strong links with outside agencies that can offer further advice and support. We also have access to advisory teachers and educational psychologists employed by the local authority.

Our Inclusion Team

Our children are supported by an experienced and enthusiastic team who receive regular training from our Deputy Inclusion Leader as well as external professionals.

Our permanent Inclusion Leader is Ms Natalia Levene, SENDCo-ordinator and Assistant Headteacher. Natalia is currently on maternity leave and is been covered by Ms Charlotte Williams.

  • Ms Williams is responsible for overseeing the Special Education Needs and Disability Policy, and coordination of specific provision to support individual children with SEND and mental health difficulties across the school. She also works closely with pupils, staff, parents and external specialist agencies to ensure the needs of all SEND pupils are met
  • Our Deputy Inclusion Leader is Ms Lucie Bebe
  • Our Mental Health Leads are Amber Tolchard (Upper school), Emma Gordon (Middle school) and Natasha Lambelin (Lower school)
  • Our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) Lead is Mandy Ghamloush.

Our Inclusion Team can be contacted via the school office by telephoning 020 8353 4248 or by emailing inclusion@deerparkschool.org.uk

Our SEND provision

Following early identification, children are supported in a variety of ways.

In the classroom the curriculum is scaffolded allowing for different rates of progress and to reflect the individual’s learning barrier, so that every child can access the lesson and succeed in achieving the learning outcome.

Some children have Individual Learning Targets set for them, which are reviewed every six weeks as per our approach: ‘plan, do, review' cycle. These targets form the focus for class teachers, families and support staff to help children to make the best possible progress.

Our classrooms are intentionally calming. Backing boards are soft, natural colours and displays are purposeful and minimal to reduce cognitive overload. We incorporate many strategies into our whole class practice, such as visual timetables, calm corners, self-esteem reflection time, movement breaks, emotion coaching, calming and alerting structured breaks, and we adopt the Zones of Regulation approach.

Children may be supported in a variety of ways: this may be within the classroom, small groups or on a 1:1 basis depending on the individual need of the child. Some children might be supported with task planners, writing solution software, visual checklists or lesson journeys.

Children with SEND progress best when there is a strong partnership between home and school. Regular meetings take place to monitor progress and discuss ways that families can support their child.

Parents and families are always welcome to discuss their child’s progress at any time during the year and a copy of the school’s policy for pupils with special educational needs is always available to provide further information.

SEND Information report 2024-2025Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Inclusion Policy 24-25.pdf

Support from the Local Authority

If you live in either Kingston or Richmond, and your family includes a child or young person whose has a special educational need or disability to register with the Local Authority. Find out more and register on the SEND Local Offer website.

Also, the Richmond and Kingston Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers advice and support across a wide range of subjects.